Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Roy Christopher's Conference Highlights

The main points of Roy Christopher's  conference was how the effectiveness of technology depends on how it's being used. Also how older generations don't really trust the younger generation with all the technology upgrades.  He had some very interesting points and made the conversation fun to be apart of.  I liked when he brought up that hip-hop is the blueprint of the 21st century.  That might be entirely true, but I would like to think so.  I also thought it was interesting when he brought up the point about old computers.  With old computers, years ago, you had to program it in order for it to work.  Now modern computers are already programmed and most people don't even think about programming their computer. He said it all goes down to "Program or be Programmed."  This is his view on the options that people have with technology.  It's makes you think about the decisions you will make while using these innovations in the future. 


  1. Good point about programming. "Program or be Programmed" is a book by Douglas Rushkoff. This issue ties in the with the older/younger divide. How can you learn what you need to know and get the older generation to trust/respect you in the process? Why should the older generation respect you if you don't know as much as they do-- on the other hand, schools don't do a lot of things they used to. How can you learn what you need to know in order to establish your own positive digital footprint?

  2. The older generation has a hard time trusting the youth with the technology.  In order to get them to start having faith I could try and teach them some of the ways that are beneficial in getting a certain goal accomplished.  Even though the older generation might know more, it is easy with the technology that the younger generation has to figure what they know and even more.  I feel that I will just have to keep learning my experience, so that I can establish a positive digital footprint. 
