Tuesday, October 18, 2011

To Facebook or Not to Facebook

Before I actually got a Facebook, I never understood what the big deal was about it.  Then I got one and my initial responses to Facebook was that it was an extra way for me to communicate to my close friends and friends I might not see every day.  At first I felt like it was a necessity and I was some what addicted.  Over time I started using it less and less, because it started to feel like it was just the same thing repeating.  I use Facebook for entertainment reasons, but other people use it for different reasons.  It is shocking to see how many 12 year olds are actually on Facebook.  It doesn't seem very safe, because some of them might not know what is appropriate and inappropriate to post online.  I see a danger in sexual predators lurking on their pages and getting information that could potentially be dangerous to that little kid.  If the people operating Facebook don't change the privacy, then I feel that parents should monitor what their kids are doing online.

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